Nature And Environment


During winter the common problem faced by most people is dryness that causes itching and skin rash. Skincare in winter, There are many products in the market that includes moisturizers and other serums which can help us to prevent dryness for the time being. But in remote areas where such products cannot be reached uses natural ingredients like honey, milk cream, and mustard oil which helps them to keep their skin moisturized and rash free.

Many people face nosebleeds during winter due to lesser humidity. Some may experience cracked heels and peeling-off lips. Dead skin is common in winter.

Following are a few skincare in winter tips that we must consider during winter to keep our skin fresh and healthy.

  • Moisturizer: It is very important to buy a good brand of moisturizer that will prevent your skin from drying. After every skin washes apply some moisturizer to avoid dryness. Apply a good amount of cream at night before sleeping.
  • Mustard Oil: Applying mustard oil once in a week all over your body will prevent dryness. According to the sources add a few drops of mustard oil to a bucket of water and pour it on your body, it will help to eliminate dryness from your body. Adding a drop of mustard oil to the belly button of a kid can also give relieves dryness.
  • Drink More Fluids: Water intakes during winter become low, we must drink more water during winter to protect our skin from dryness. Lack of water results in cracked lips. To avoid them drink lots of water and apply some lip balm to your lips.
  • Avoid Excessive Hot Water: Due to the decrease in temperature, most people use super-hot water to take a shower which becomes a root of dryness in your body. Wash your face and body with warm water to prevent dryness.
  • Humidifiers: They are used for introducing moisturizers to the air that can relieve dry skin. Another problem some people face during winter is nosebleeds. Using a humidifier helps us to overcome this problem.
  • Milk Cream: Using fresh milk cream in the winter is the best remedy for dry skin. Apply it in the morning and your skin will be oily throughout the day. It also helps to make your skin tighter and enhance your color.
  • Wear Socks: Cracked heels during winter is another common problem. To avoid them apply Vaseline to your heels and put on your socks. You will never complain about cracked heels again. Many people mix turmeric with Vaseline for cracked-free heels.
  • Makeup Products: For women using powdered blush during winter increases dryness, so it is better to use cream blush. Also, use an oil-based cleanser to remove your makeup, it will not make your skin dry. Once in a while go for a hydrating mask rather than a peel of the mask to keep your skin intact.

Above stated tips during winter can be useful for keeping skin silky and smooth.

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