I’m an expert online essayist and graduate from the University of British Columbia.

What’s more, I’ve been included on Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, Freelance Writing, Tailwind, The Penny Hoarder, Infusion Soft, Smart Blogger and numerous different distributions.

I’ve been viewed as an expert independent composing mentor a lot just as one of the main composing specialists in helping you tweak your on-boarding measure, expanding your worth and finding another vocation out of your composition.

On ProWritingAid:

“Sharon T. Ingram is notable as one of the aces. Figuring out how to discover customers, pitch, and bring in cash composing from her is a superb chance.”

On Business Insider:

[Sharon T. Ingram] is a brilliant mentor and makes a glorious showing of strolling you through the cycle of how to set up your own essayist’s site, how to get incredible articles distributed and significantly more.

On Dollarsprout:

Sharon T. Ingram is another champion in the independent composing world[.]

This site has been viewed as one of the main 100 Best Sites for Freelance Writers five years straight from The Write Life.

Moreover, my other profoundly creative site, FreelancerFAQs is likewise included on this rundown and features numerous specialists in the composing business.


My huge break into composing as a profession began with composing content for Wheels – a division of the Toronto Star. This went about as a springboard to all the more composition for Psych Central and coordinated efforts with an assortment of major advanced brands like OptinMonster, Sendible, Blogging Wizard, Smart Blogger, PageWiz, Brand24, Klear and Smarp.

While I committed a great deal of errors doing this from the beginning, inside a half year I had the option to procure a full-time pay as low maintenance independent author.

I’ve helped a huge number of scholars locate their first independent composing position and proceed to earn enough to pay the rent from this. Here is one of my course understudies tale about beginning her independent composing business.