Featured, Nature And Environment

I was a climate denier. Now, I’m a campaigner in the fight against climate change.

It all started to change when I took a shower in Jordan. Most of the people in the community I grew up in never quite got on board with believing in climate change. Especially in the older generation, who remembered a 1970s conviction that the Earth was going through a period of global cooling, there was a tendency toward skepticism about science and the academics from the so-called “the Ivory Tower.”  While I had a vague awareness that most scientists believed climate change was caused by humans, I wasn’t sure what
Business And Career, Featured

How to Manage your Time

How to manage or utilize your time?? Million dollar question, Here are few tips on time management. A Key To Success Time always passes quickly. The only thing that can be different is the perception of a span , said Albert Einstein. If you sit together for two hours with the girl you love, you think it’s only a minute; but if you sit on a hot stove for just a minute, you think it’s two hours to clarify the idea of ​​relativity. Meaning: despite the same time, there can be big