Sports And Fitness


How spices heat us! When it's wet, cold, and dark outside, we often notice it in our energy - we feel sluggish and want to crawl on the couch and freeze faster. Did you know that your diet significantly impacts your mood and even your temperature? Try our spice tips this fall to lift your spirits and boost your metabolism. Wet and cold days are when you are often a bit chilly on the go and sometimes feel frozen in the evening. Women, in particular, are familiar with this phenomenon.
Business And Career


That threatening sense of fear of Monday morning - nicknamed "Sunday Scarecrows" - seemed to strike every week. I would try to enjoy relaxing weekend activities, but I struggled to retire as the workweek approached. All I could think about were the responsibilities that awaited me in the office: Full mail.A complete schedule.A to-do list.The inevitable problems that would arise as I managed it all. That's when I realized: that maybe a week alone wasn't a problem. Maybe my weekend activities didn't prepare me to tackle the job that awaited me. Proper plans